TN-BTS (Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park) area is awell known natural tourism objects and one of tourism destination places. Both for domestic and foreign tourists.

Tourism objects that exist in TN-BTS area are:
1. Tengger Cadera.
The mayor atractivenees of TN-BTS is its unique and spectacular natural phenomena and those are easily enjoyed from a relative cloose positition.Tengger caldera (crater) in which 5 (five) mounts are located could be a special interesting thing in the tourism, including its history of formation.According to esher (1980 et al) formerly mount Tengger was a very big /large mountain whit a peak level of 4,00 meters above sea level. About one milion or one milion and a half years ago have head activities to from a very large caldera of 8-10 Km mount Tengger activities does not stop only to that , but its activities is still seen whit emergence of a new crater at center of the caldera the crater is higher nad higher until sometime it erupst. Tengger caldera is very large and well known whit is name laut pasir Tengger. Because of its unique this caldera was handled by the govermentin 1919 and stated as a natural conservation . however this area apparently attracted tourist to come. Then the area was changed to be as a national park (especialy in Cemorolawang part.)
2. Lava Crater
The lava crater is at a sand sea of kutho part, from far looks like a pile of bricks of ex- palace . the local people cal the well/ crater as Sumer pitu(well seven). Based on geologikal history, lava craters have com from lava burning mold of mount Kursi. This time is lava is vomited from the crater and floods out directly down to the sna sea because the slope of the sand sea leads to horizontal, velocity of the mold is slower and slower to 5 meters per hour and its surface is firstly frozen and solidified while the inside part ist still mold/ more liquit . lava flow will stop after the lava matters have undergone all solidification . next eruptions cause shaking that affec ist weak ceilings fall and from some wells. There are more than 20 wells and they are scattered around.
3. Mount Bromo
Mount Bromo is one of five mounts located within Tengger mountains on its sand sea.Atractiveness of this mount is bat to the date it is still active and easily visited /ascended. This mount bromo tourism objec has a natural atraction that atrac visitor because of this unique natural phenomena in from of of a crater on the crater covered by sand sea.The natural beauty and wondervul valley are vascinating panorama, plus ist serene atmosphere and peace we well fel while visiting this area. To get the peak of mount Bromo , we use prepared stairs /steps of concrete stuff. When we get the peak we will see Brome a large caving crater whit is smoke out of the bottom . it shows the vulcano is still active. From the peak we see / enjoy the view of brome crater whit ist thin cloudy smoke, and the backward side we can see the beautifullness land countains sand see whit its natural silhuets that very impresisive.Its other atracctiveess, is that volcano is a place of afinal ritual ceremoni (kasada) of Tengger communlty that has is reprensented by throwing farming product like the fruits and grain onto Moutn Bromo crater. This ceremony has attrated tourists to see the annual ceremony.
4. Mount Widodarenmount
Mount /cave Widodaren is located beside mount . Batok and is tourism potentials objec whit the special atractivenes . one of the appeal of this objec is that this location consitutes a sacred tourism objects thar from a cave and a sarced water resource.Inside of that cave and asarced water resources.Inside of that cave there is a somewhat broader place and inside that place there is abig stone that is used to provide somethings to be sacrificied and put nadar that also utilized as the place for meditation especially for comunities of Tengger for praying to the syangyang widi. Around that cave ,exactly beside there are believe that eficacy of the water resource that will never dry and according to comonity of Tengger , it is sacred water from widodaren (Mendhak Tira) beside, there ist belive that the efficacy of the water may keeo young and may get the spousefor the umaried person In order to rach this object has been made a narrou lane whit the trend nearly forty five degree. So that suggested to tourits for carefuly walking when passing this lane.Another atlaractivenes , when we have already reached the cave , we wel sea abeautifull view at the bottom. I,e sand seaand the adjancent. The more beautifull view when we are enjoiying the view at morning whit the yellow shined sun rise appears at our front.
5. Mount Penanjakan
Peak of moutn Pananjakan is the highets place if compared whit another places of mountainous Tengger. For these reason. In this are we may see the natural beautifulness in the bottom side such as san sea and mount. Bromo complex Dsk. That is backgrounded by mount. Semeru whit its thick smoke come out this peak of Pananjakan may be seen the beautifulnes of sunrise in the eastward behind the hill we can enjoy the situation mentioned above whit the peacefull situatiound without the noisiness. The provided facilitation are shelter, plaza MCK (places for washing and bath) and cafetaria.
6. Ranu Pane and Regulo
Ranu pne (1 ha) and Ranu regulo (0.75 ha) are two of four lake availabel inTN-BTS. Both lakes the heigt is 2,200 m of sea surface. Both are having a sufficient beauty view , from this place we can see the very fascinating view of mount Semeru whit its smoke comes out and enjoying the wonderfullnes of situations around the lake observing the widl animal in particular the living of belibis bird and observing the cultur and custom of the native inhabitanst.Arount the lake there is a rural residence (pendukuhan) that consituate last place for TN-BTS tourists in particular for the climber . beside in this rural residence there aer several little shops offering the food and beverage and the equipment for the climber .beside in this rural residence there are in habittants who quiding or carrying the equipment of the climber until reach to top of mpunt Mahameru (poter).Beside the tourist for the purpose of climbing ,Ranu Pane -regulo usualy utilized by the tourist for campng obseving the field and activites of open natural tourism. The facilities are provided in ranu pane rgulo are pndok pendaki , pondok jaga , information center , pondok peneliti and camping ground.
7. Ranu Kumbolo
Ranu kumbolo (8ha) is located at the heigt 22,390 m over the sea surface ,I,e ranu- pane and mount .Semeru historically and geologicaly. Ranu kumbolo is shaped from masive craters mount . jambangan that has solidefied so that the filing water otomatically not flows down.Until today, Ranu kumbolo is the potentials of delighfullly toursm object. The atractiveneses are that at a yard in wich relatively higger than the sea surfarce there is a lake whit the clear ,freas and unpolluted water , so that atracted the tourist to visit this park. For the climbers Ranu Kumbolo is he stop place to prepare nex journeianother the west fringe of lake there is a monument . it is the legaci of acient, supposed that this monument is the legaci of majapahit empire. However until today has not earned the certainty.In particularn at the watery area of the lake we can see the living of wild animal,I,e Belibis brid . for the enverimental abservers Ranu Kumbolo is essentially the natural laboratori for the studiy and observation of nature that full whit the very rich knowledge. The facilities are provided in Ranu Kumbolo are pendok pendaki (70m) and MCK that are utilized by the climbers for taking rest, beside the availability of a relative evenly for camping ground. Needs of water may be met whit lake water.
8. Kalimati
Kalimati is the last camping location before sustain the journey.This places ususlly used for taking rest , because availabelity of water source. That is gap about 500 m from kalimati. And both the yard is relative evenly and also it has been established facility of pondok pendaki and MCK.Temperature in kalimati relatively cooler than other places, because kalimati area is the vallei of any adjacent hills.
9. Arcopodo
Arcopodo or recopodo is located in the middle between Kalimati and Mount Semeru. In this places there are twin statue (Arcopodo or rercopodo ) and some monuments of the died and lots climbers when climbing the moutn . Semeru in this places utilized for temporarily resting before sustain the journey to the top of Mahameru.
8. Mahameru and Kawah Jonggring SalokoMahameru is another name of the peak of semeru Montain in java (3,676 m above the sea surface) it has wide kawah called Jonggring Saloko. Since it is the highes Mountain , from its peak ,we can enjoy wonderful scenery below it such as -west side : malang City, north side : Kepolo mountain and Tengger,south side :shout beach line, east side : Argopura MountainAmong nature lovers , especialy climber from eatsjava , even some climber from yokyakarta bandung , semeru mountain is challenging one and always be place for nice climbing every year.
8. Mahameru and Kawah Jonggring SalokoMahameru is another name of the peak of semeru Montain in java (3,676 m above the sea surface) it has wide kawah called Jonggring Saloko. Since it is the highes Mountain , from its peak ,we can enjoy wonderful scenery below it such as -west side : malang City, north side : Kepolo mountain and Tengger,south side :shout beach line, east side : Argopura MountainAmong nature lovers , especialy climber from eatsjava , even some climber from yokyakarta bandung , semeru mountain is challenging one and always be place for nice climbing every year.