Assemblee Nationale

The frontage of the French Assembly, built by Poyet in 1804 and completed in 1807, matches the Madeleine church. The frontage of the courtyard opening on the other side is typically 19th century, with its vast colonnade framing high windows.
The National Assembly
Interior: the Royal Drawing room and the Library are decorated in the Romantic style, and hung with paintings by Delacroix. The aristocratic quarter built at the end of the "Ancien Regime" runs into Boulevard St.Germain .
The Surroundings
Do not leave until you have taken a look at some of the buildings, such as the number 78, rue de Lille, the Hotel de Beauharnais, with its Egyptian-style portico added in 1803, has beautiful Empire style interior decoration. Number 64, rue de Lille, the Hotel de Salm (1784), headquarter- of the Legion d'Honneur, shows the return to the Classical style towards the end of the 18th century - in its triumphal archway, and ionic porticoes. At the far end of the courtyard is a semi-circular pavillion with simple window decorations which make you forget the austerity of the neo-classical frontage.